Corporate HR and Talent Managers are expected to reunite and build better teams.
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What are your challenges going back to the office?
We’ve learned that remote work is great for some tasks, such as projects that need focusing, uninterrupted attention. Plus, working virtually came more naturally for some industries than others. For instance, tech-savvy corporate software teams were well poised to stay productive when COVID-19 abruptly forced much of the working world to stay home.
Yet, we’ve all learned that remote work isn’t ideal for every task and every person, like team brainstorming, creative strategy sessions, and extroverts who feed off of in-person energy. Additionally, remote work can hinder a sense of comradery among colleagues.
With all of this in mind and vaccination rates going up, teams are beginning to go back to the office. With a hybrid work schedule most likely for many software professionals, it’s time to reconnect with your team members in-person.
Even better communication is needed to successfully operate a hybrid workplace than a fully remote one. In order to keep everyone on the same page, working in the cloud and utilizing chat communications will need to continue — even for those who are in the office. What will be different is the need for a more set schedule of who will be in the office or not on any given day.
Additionally, will there ever be a time when everyone is in the office at once? Perhaps for a certain weekly meeting or social event? Depending on your team’s size, this may be the perfect way to help team members reconnect in-person on a regular basis.
Since everyone is unique and communicates differently, working together as a team can be challenging, especially after a season of being physically apart. True Colors facilitates team building through workshops — customized to the needs of your software development team — that help members understand not only their own strengths and challenges but also those of their teammates.
Another option is our True Colors Virtual Live Show. Again, it can be customized for your team and will get participants engaged, laughing, and learning about specific personality types — a great way to reconnect with fellow teammates and open the door to understanding one another better.
While team-building activities have always been valuable, they are especially so as we transition into the “new normal” upon us.
Some great team-building activities to consider:
Need more ideas? Check out these 70 fun team-building activities!
When trying to reconnect with your team members, either on an individual level or through planned activities for the entire team, don’t forget to consider your unique work culture.
The culture will vary depending on the personalities of those on your software development team and the mission, values, and goals of your corporation. Always keeping the unique makeup of your team in mind will help your efforts to reconnect be a success.
If there’s a need to hire new staff as things ramp back up, keeping your work culture in mind as you evaluate potential additions to your team is also wise. It’s important to hire individuals who share your company values and will work well with others on your team.
That said, there is also wisdom in hiring individuals whose strengths lie where current team members are weak. Shared values are great for team unity. Unique skillsets are critical for team success.
Going back to the office will be a big change for anyone who has been working strictly remotely for a year or longer now. Even with the growing popularity of hybrid schedules, the transition to being in the office at least some of the time will take some getting used to, and reconnecting in person may be hard.
By following some of the guidance outlined in this article, you can certainly make the transition back to the office a successful one for your software development team.
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