K-12 School Solutions
Academic Success - Bullying Prevention - Community Building - Curriculum Development - Diversity & Inclusion - Emotional Intelligence - Leadership Education - New Student Orientation - Parent Programs - Professional Development
The best teachers—subject matter expertise aside—are great communicators who bring out the best in those around them. They use their communication skills to understand the needs of each learner and create environments where everyone can excel. True Colors helps educators and students to communicate more effectively and how to apply techniques for maximum impact within school environments, home, and their communities. And we do it cost-effectively and quickly.
Effective communication is critical. It requires active listening, understanding biases, and tailoring the delivery of messages to each situation. True Colors enhances the way teachers and students communicate with each other and among their peers. Improved communication directly affects dropout rates, attendance, bullying, graduation rates, and classroom achievement.
Assessments, Guides, Workbooks
For more than 40 years, the True Colors methodology has helped millions of people gain self-awareness and improve their communication skills. Online Assessments for youth (ages 7-15), pre-college (ages 16-18), and adult participants come with personalized results reports. Team and Leader Reports inform administrators, counselors, and teachers. True Colors guides and workbooks enhance the classroom or workshop experience.
Relevant Program
True Colors insights can be applied in a variety of contexts related to school, work, and personal wellbeing. Certified True Colors Facilitators present programs related to Personal Success, Communication, Conflict Navigation, Parenting, Teaching & Learning Styles, and Teambuilding. Facilitators can also guide special programs for Athletics Coaching, Career Exploration, Diversity and Inclusion, and Student Leadership.
Certifications and CEUs
Faculty and Staff can gain professional certifications to deliver the proven True Colors proprietary methodology to students, colleagues, and community members. Each True Colors certification is documented with a digital badge issued by Credly. True Colors trainings and certification training programs are eligible for Continuing Education Units and credits toward other professional certifications.
"In the past, 30-50% of the students dropped out of our alternative school. This year, using True Colors, only three kids dropped out of 75 in the program."
"A tool that was trialed and became the standard for our program is True Colors. The social nature of the instrument also provided an appropriate lead into the curriculum to follow, which involved working extensively with others, either individually or in teams. In addition, the True Colors tool was simpler and less expensive to administer."



Teachers & Administrators
True Colors Enhances:
Collegiality and collaboration
Leadership and supervision
School climate
Student engagement
Teaching and learning styles
Trust and understanding
True Colors Fosters:
Better attendance
Classroom engagement
Conflict navigation skills
Enhanced self-esteem
Higher test scores
Lower dropout rates
Resiliency to challenges
Respect and trust among peers and teachers