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How Well Do You Know Your Workplace DNA?

Embark on a transformative journey with the True Colors Culture Check; a unique exploration into the culture of your workplace.

Uncover the pathways to organizational improvement and growth.

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The True Colors Culture Check offers insights that go beyond the surface, helping you decode, understand, and enhance the fabric that shapes your professional landscape.

Ready to discover your workplace culture?

Key Takeaways

Holistic Cultural Evaluation

The True Colors Culture Check offers an evaluation of leadership, teamwork, and decision-making channels within your organization. By carefully rating these aspects, you gain insights into the current state of your business culture.

Living Mission and Values

The alignment of actions with mission and values is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of an organization embodying its principles. This alignment serves as a vital compass guiding the organization in the right direction, whether focusing on people or tasks.

Motivation and Tools for Success

Employee motivation, driven by the availability of necessary tools, systems, and procedures, is identified as crucial. Recognizing and addressing individual motivations is essential for maintaining productivity and excellence in work.

Cultural Transformation Strategies

The Culture Check doesn't just end with this assessment; it provides a roadmap for continuous improvement. By collaborating with your team to identify strengths and areas for improvement, you can develop a strategic plan and observe positive changes over three to six months.

Emphasis on Cultural Leadership

The narrative underscores the pivotal role of leadership in shaping and sustaining organizational culture. It prompts reflection on leadership qualities, such as setting positive examples, effectively delegating tasks, and fostering healthy relationships within the team. Recognizing that leadership profoundly influences employee attitudes, productivity, and talent retention, the takeaway stresses the need for a cohesive and positive leadership approach to fortify the overall organizational culture.




Of engaged employees are less likely to leave an organization.


Of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their careers.


Higher productivity in organizations that have a high level of engagement.


Of employees deal with conflict at some level, costing organizations $359 billion in paid hours each year.